I Walked in the Woods Today

I walked in the woods today
far under scattered clouds —
though it didn’t make me a boy again.

No dog by my side
circling ahead and back,
no sense of wonder at where I might emerge.

Patches of snow from an indecisive December
lay astride the path and filled in hollows.

Straining for the distant sound
of my mother’s voice
calling me in from play,
I heard only birds calling.

Nearly a month from moment to paper, when everything but renunciation seems a struggle.

17 thoughts on “I Walked in the Woods Today

  1. ama

    “Right here” is not always where we had hoped to be, but it is real. I still miss Chenin as I know you always will.

  2. momasteblog

    Sometimes your poems are like a balm for the soul. . . so it is with this one. There is a really pretty, yet almost melancholy hush to this piece. It makes me want to take a walk. Hope you are well and warm. xo.

  3. Eric Tonningsen

    This took me back, with one exception… I am rarely without my canine companions. Having read your words I am equal parts pensive and grateful. My “walk” continues and I grow in strength and comfort when I place myself in the shoes of others who, too, are ‘out there.’ Thank you!

  4. brenda

    your words brought to mind:
    Memory returns
    to those ancient misty trails
    around my village–
    but neither flowers nor love
    blooms there–only my sadness. ~ Issa

  5. m lewis redford

    I was wondering where you’d got to – that was a l-o-n-g walk to have been on when everything seems a struggle; where did you get to; now that you’re back, wash your hands and have a sandwich and do the same walk exactly again … properly, this time: breathing, not holding your breath … and take the ‘dog’ with you this time

    1. bussokuseki Post author

      A long walk indeed, even though the woods are small. It seems, after all, that where I have gotten to us right here.

      Thank you for the wonderful words. Blessings, my friend~


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